Club Brochure

BU Skeptics - Trifold Brochure.pdf
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You are a skeptic if:
- You doubt the validity of claims made without supporting observable or testable evidence.
- You attempt to evaluate claims based on verifiability and the scientific method rather than faith, anecdotes, authority or subjective convictions.
- You utilize critical thinking skills and reasoning abilities to understand the physical world.

Join this club if:
- You enjoy philosophical and intellectual group discussions.
- You want to foster a community of likeminded skeptics at Bradley University.
- You support the separation of church and state, free speech, free thought, and critical thinking.
- You put fact over faith and enjoy scrutinizing false claims.

Do not join this club if:
- You cannot stand up for your convictions.
- You are afraid to question other people's beliefs.
- You are not open to new ideas.
- You do not enjoy intellectual, revealing, exciting discussion.

*Group Affiliates*
- Secular Student Alliance
- Center for Inquiry
- Americans United For Separation of Church and State